Growth in activity of 3% in the first half (like-for-like)

2017 07 25 HERIGE CA T2 2017 UK 2


Activity in the 2nd quarter of 2017

HERIGE Group posted turnover of €151.1 million for the second quarter of 2017, up 3.1% like-for-like on the same period in 2016 (not including VM Piscines and other activities currently being sold). In keeping with the first quarter, growth was underpinned by a 3.2% upturn in Building materials trading and by continued strong sales for the Group's Concrete industry segment (up 6.6%). This, despite all Group activities impacted by a negative calendar effect, with two working days less in the second quarter.

All told, Group turnover for the first half of 2017 amounted to €282.1 million, up 3% like-for-like, which reflects a recovering market:

  • turnover for Building materials trading increased 2.5% on the back of new business momentum,
  • turnover for the Concrete industry segment increased 7.2% as volumes for ready-mix concrete continued to climb,
  • turnover for Industrial joinery increased 1.7%, boosted by its new product AM-X and its Closures division.


Outlook and developments

As part of its strategic transformation which began in 2016, HERIGE Group announced the sale of Point Bois in Guiana. With approximately €3.4 million in turnover over a full year (already restated in accordance with IFRS 5 in the 31/12/2016 financial statements), Point Bois has 11 employees. The operation is effective from 24 July 2017.

After two consecutive quarters of growth, the Group is confident of its capacity to capitalize on the positive backdrop of a gradual recovery in the construction sector.

Achieving lasting profitable growth to finance its future development remains a strategic priority.


NEXT PUBLICATION: H1 2017 results on 12 September 2017 (after the stock exchange closes)
All our financial communications are available on our website


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