HERIGE Group today announces the financial impacts relating to the definitive sale of its Building Materials Trading, Public Works and Natural Stone businesses (VM Matériaux, LNTP and Cominex) to SAMSE Group, April 30th 2024.

The businesses sold represent a 2023 turnover of €374.8 million and 79 points of sale in Western France. The enterprise value of the scope sold is estimated using an EBITDA1 multiple. The value of the shares is calculated by deducting adjusted net debt from this enterprise value. This transaction enabled HERIGE to reduce its debt by €124.6 million, thereby improving gearing by 90 points2 and to generate a capital gain of €33.0 million, i.e., +23% in equity. This capital gain offsets a net loss of €4.4m generated pro rata temporis by the scope of consolidation sold.
This provides the Group with additional resources to support its industrial strategy.

NEXT PUBLICATION: Q2 2024 turnover on July 23, 2024 (after the close of trading)

All our financial communications are available on our website: www.groupe-herige.fr/en



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